engage your Grade 2-12 gifted child online with debate
critical thinking creativity collaboration
Learn directly from our Founder – two time U.S. State Debate Champion and Stanford University alumnus, Rajiv Kacholia. Read about our Founder's background and why he has brought this exciting social impact initiative for high achieving students in India, by clicking here.
Join gifted students already participating in Speech and Debate India's high energy, live online classes, practices, and small group competitive team debates! We leverage technology to deliver an exciting, personal experience. We limit debates to small groups and every child has a speaking role within debates to express their evidenced-based views. We have limited seats and this is a competitive activity - please review the FAQs below and sign-up to engage your child socially and intellectually.
Select up to 5 intensive two week Summer Course program tracks. Each track is Rs. 14,900+GST and includes 20 hours of live sessions over two weeks. Sign-up per your child's convenience and interests.
Grades 4-12, Summer Course Program Tracks & Debate Topics:
Healthcare & Disease [SOLD OUT]
​April 6th - April 17th​
Global Leadership [SOLD OUT]
​April 20th - May 1st​
Reimagining Our World [NEW]
​May 11th - May 22nd​
Environment & Climate Change [LIMITED SEATS]
​June 15th - June 26th
Business & Entrepreneurship
​June 29th - July 10th
Technology & Artificial Intelligence
- ​July 13th - July 24th​
Custom - Select 10 Sessions
​​Example: Mondays or Tues/Wed or 1 week across multiple tracks. Inquire here.
Grades 4-12, Divisions and Times:​
Elementary School (ES) - grades 4-5, Monday - Friday, daily, 4-6pm
Middle School (MS) - grades 6-8, Monday - Friday, daily, 6-8pm
High School (HS) - grades 9-12, Monday - Friday, daily, 6-8pm
Grades 2-4, Young Explorers Course [LIMITED SEATS]
​Maggi versus Macaroni, Peanut Butter versus Jelly, and other debates in Food, Space Exploration, Sports, and Technology
​May 6th - June 2nd
Watch a 3 minute video clip further below on this page
Daily Monday - Friday, 20 sessions of 1 hour each, 2:45pm - 3:45pm
Limited seats, Signup to reserve space for this special program. Seats will be allocated on a first come basis upon payment receipt - priced at Rs. 14,900 + GST
Grades 2-4, Divisions and Times:​
Young Explorers (YE) - grades 2-4, Monday - Friday, daily 2:45-3:45pm (see details further below, under "Customized Courses")
Our Unique Approach - This is not an elocution class, and we don't write or memorize essays. Debate is fun, competitive, and we help advanced kids expand how they think critically about topics beyond their grade level. Students gradually gain confidence to speak out, starting with smaller groups where they collaborate with teammates. Students research evidence and data under time pressure, and we look for structured position outlines to be prepared faster, enhancing writing speed, information processing, and decision making. Review our Benefits section for academic research on why there is no academic activity that can train young minds in the four C's as well as long-term participation in Debate. See FAQs at the bottom of this page for more details.
Demo Courses - Apply Here to be waitlisted for 5, one hour demo sessions in May at Rs. 5,000 + GST.
Sample Video: Watch a video clip of some of our older students from a recent debate on postponing the Olympics due to Coronavirus:​
Sample Video: Watch a video clip of some of our Young Explorer students debating fun topics like Amusement Parks, Homework, and Superheroes! See how they react when Mr. Kacholia teases them about not picking a winner...
"We are really thankful to you and your team members for engaging children in this tough time. My child is really enjoying your session." - Parent, Ahemdabad.
"The session was quite interactive. My child liked it." - Parent, Gurgaon.
"Just pass on my message to Mr. Kacholia... It was really wonderful interaction. I was hearing the way he was analysing every aspect related to the child. Very impressive. It will also help the kids to analyse themselves." - Parent, Gurgaon.
"Thanks for organising this. Kudos to you and team." - Parent, Mumbai.
"Thank you so much! They're so excited about this class, and we couldn't have asked for a better teacher." - Parent, Mumbai.
"This is so interesting. What an awesome idea to make a solid contribution. Such a great thing for a child!" - Parent, Mumbai
Young Explorers (Grades 2-4) Special Course - MAY 6th - JUNE 2nd​
Maggi versus Macaroni and more fun debates!
​May 6th - June 2nd, daily, Monday - Friday, 2:45pm to 3:45pm
20, one hour daily sessions course for Rs. 14,900 + GST
A special 4 week live Zoom online course for one hour per weekday starting Wednesday, May 6th to Tuesday June 2nd that introduces newly enrolling younger students to debate using our unique approach.
Debate topics are fun and relatable to help students become comfortable with our format. Students in this special introductory program will discuss and debate these topics: Food, Space Exploration, Sports, and Technology.
This course is designed to help younger kids comfortable and started through shorter one-hour sessions with instruction, time to collaborate with teams, and engage in debate games in a smaller group setting live online.
Select the "Young Explorers May 6 - June 2" option on the sign-up form - Register here.
SAT Test Prep, 1 on 1 custom 10 session course to raise your SAT English and Math scores. This private course is taught by a perfect scorer in SAT Math and near-perfect scorer in SAT English. Includes evaluation of a full diagnostic test plus customized plan for 10 hours of private, 1 on 1 Zoom instruction and practice test homework assignments for Rs. 30,000 + GST. Score at your peak potential. Inquire here.
SAT Approach? We help students understand how the College Board structures and formulates problems. Every question on the SAT has one and only one correct answer. There are no "trick questions". We work personally with each student and customize learning to help shift how they approach the test and think like the SAT examination preparers. We also work to bridge gaps in areas that we identify after students take a diagnostic full SAT test. Before the first one hour of sessions begin, we build a custom plan for your success! We will never use your session time to administer SAT Tests. Instead, our approach is to use each hour of personal session time productively reviewing questions, answers, skill gaps and strategies and assigning homework to target growth in each subsequent class. Classes may be scheduled once or twice a week.
Speech and Debate Personal Consultations - 1 on 1 customized sessions over Zoom. Inquire on WhatsApp.
activate your child's
super-powers in 2025!

US curriculum taught by Mr. Kacholia.
Challenges kids, and proven to work.
Typically rise to top 10% of their class.
Every child has it in them to succeed.
No experience required for any course.
Why Speech and Debate?
enhance writing
efficiently research
cultivate confidence
clearly communicate
elevate literacy level
amplify analytical skills
Trusted by families at top private schools.
Top students from India, UAE, Singapore, UK, USA...
Admits to elite US/UK/Indian colleges.
#1 in South Asia winning global public policy debate awards.
transform Thinking
"Each child has a gift, let's work together
to patiently nurture their full potential." - Mr. Kacholia
Our intensive Debate Tournament Prep course with 4 & 12 month plans. Aim for National level competitiveness in 2 years and Globally in 3 to 5 years!
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Grades: 6-10
Time: Sat 6:30pm or 8pm IST
Transformational 36 month
Speech & Debate curriculum, non-competitive, with 4 & 12 month plans. 36 foundations to thrive in academics and life!
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Grades: 3-5 / 6-10
Time: Sat 3pm / 4pm IST
Learn to debate with limited time to prepare. This exciting format focuses on a specific topic area with short debates over 10 sessions every two months!
Faculty: Aadith Kacholia + SDI
Grades: 3-5 / 6-10
Time: M&F 6pm / W&Sa 5pm
below are previous courses.
click here for current courses
developing leaders
courses to future-ready gifted Kids & TEENS
no experience required | founder from stanford university
Unmatched record developing top Public policy debaters from south asia
Debaters enroll 7X at top U.S. colleges

Non-debaters (grey) Debaters (blue)
Based on 1,963 NSDA surveys, 2019
Meet our Founder & GC Coach
Head Faculty
Mr. Kacholia is an ex-State Champion Debater two years in a row in the United States, winning numerous 1st and 2nd place speaker and team awards, an alumnus of Stanford University and Goldman Sachs, former Board President of the American School of Bombay (ASB), has held leadership roles on Wall Street, as an entrepreneur, and worked for two United States Senators.
Mr. Kacholia helps manage global business interests day to day, and spends his free time on the weekend on his passion for debate, training young students to grow into competitive debaters at a National and Global level. His teams have by far the most wins and recognition in South Asia in the most rigorous research and evidence based prestigious US tournaments. Read about Mr. Kacholia's vision, press articles, background, and student testimonials
Introverts and extroverts can both succeed. No prior experience is required. Mr. Kacholia's unique pedagogy builds intellectual curiosity, multi-disciplinary global knowledge, and soft skills through challenge and rigor. His students have gained admissions to many of the top elite Universities in the US, UK, and India. Contact us to learn more.
Attend unlimited (up to 50+) Global Chronicles Sessions with Mr. Kacholia over 12 months
Train to compete in the most prestigious events like Stanford University, Harvard University, Georgetown, TOC & more!
Advance directly into SDI Nationals with a Guaranteed spot + Many more debate, leadership, and college skills benefits!
Home of international Champions
Speech Debate India student Shivani Shrotri WINS THE USA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!
Speech Debate India student Shivansh Gupta WINS 1ST PLACE SPEAKER AWARD at Georgetown University!!
Speech Debate India students Aadith Kacholia & Prahlad Madhu WIN 2ND PLACE VARSITY TEAM AWARD at Harvard University!!!
Speech Debate India student Hansuja Das WINS 1ST PLACE JV SPEAKER AWARD at Harvard University!!
Speech Debate India students Hansuja Das & Mrinal Sindhwani WIN 1ST PLACE JV TEAM AWARD at University of Michigan!!!!
Congratulations to 80+ SDI Students for winning team and speaker awards at International events!!!
Train with Mr. Rajiv Kacholia, U.S. State Debate Champion with an unmatched coaching record in South Asia!!!!

previous courses [before December 2024]
Global Chronicles 10.0 & 11.0
Students who have enrolled in previous Global Chronicles and other Speech Debate India courses can directly enroll, in most cases without an interview. New Students based in India and abroad can apply for an interview for enrollment in our super-competitive, global award winning elite program for students looking to achieve at an international level with Global Chronicles 10.0/11.0, our tournament prep course. This highly rigorous program is now accepting student applications for admissions that are decided on a rolling basis each month. No prior experience needed - we're looking for the best and brightest to join our elite international squad!
Students in Grades 3-12 for the 2023-24 academic year are invited to learn rigorous international debate formats, collaborate with team members from top private schools across India, research and develop unique cases on diverse globally relevant topics, and compete for spots at prestigious Global Events through Speech and Debate India, the exclusive India partner of the U.S. NSDA., the world's largest debate organization. Topic analysis and coaching directly by our founder, Mr. Kacholia. Read about Mr. Kacholia's vision, press articles, and student testimonials See further below for more information on the success of our GC2, GC3, GC4, GC5, GC6, GC7, GC8, and GC9 class students at international events including Harvard University, Yale University, and Georgetown University debate tournaments! Students and parents should take a long-term view - it takes time and a lot of hard work to develop as a globally competitive debater and to keep up with some of the sharpest students around the world.
Grades 3-12. MS/HS sections: Saturdays 6:30pm-8pm or 8pm-9:30pm IST. Students will learn and work with partners based on grade level and experience. ES sections for Grades 3-5, ask us for more information. [All times IST].
Start Dates: Rolling admissions, with our next start dates in December 2023 and in January 2024 with 14 weeks of classes! Annual plan options also available!!
Faculty: Mr. Kacholia
Geographies: Students from around the world train under Mr. Kacholia including kids based in India, East Asia, Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the United States.
Format: Intensive debate course designed for students aiming for global competition. No experience required - we're seeking the sharpest minds and most ambitious students in India and abroad to join our competitive program. Mr. Kacholia breaks down complex global topics for students, dives deep into strategic considerations and options for building cases, and trains students by proactively discussing winning defensive and offensive approaches for each topic.
Best for: students aiming to advance to a national level and represent India at international level debate tournaments!
ALL NEW 14 Sessions Winter 2023-24 Courses for Grades 4-10 (Monday - Friday). Each course is 8 weeks (14 sessions, 1.5 hours per session, including an extra week to account for holidays/make-up classes).
DEBATE Courses at 5pm-6:30pm IST, taught by Ms. Antonina, whose students have won awards at prestigious Extemporaneous Debate tournaments in the United States!
SPEECH & DRAMA Courses at 6:30pm-8:30pm IST, taught by Mr. Juan, whose students have placed at major tournaments in the United States in speech events!
Students from over a dozen countries have participated with Speech and Debate India.
Signup now for Winter 2023-24 as space is limited!
Debate Starts in December:
DEBATE: Impromptu Debate (Grades 4-10) - Learn to research rapidly on a wide variety of topics, prepare short speeches and organize rebuttals in this exciting time-pressured and fast-paced debate format! Students will learn how to conduct basic research, organize and construct positions, and build short debate cases for interactive debates in class to build skills in research, critical thinking and confidence! This course is taught by our instructor, Ms. Antonina, who is based in the United States and whose students have won awards at prestigious tournaments in Extemporaneous Debate competitions in the United States.
Class Times: Starts in December for 14 sessions over 8 weeks (including 2 holidays/make-up classes), Mondays & Wednesdays 5-6:30pm IST.
Public Speaking Starts in December:
SPEECH: Public Speaking Essentials (Grades 4-10) - Learn to how to develop speech ideas, write an original speech, and deliver with confidence on the spot! Whether your audience is large or small, includes adults or fellow students, and takes place in a formal setting or in a familiar environment with family, speeches can be intimidating and pose many challenges. These essentials include research, preparation of a speech and materials, understanding the audience and adapting to different situations, while overcoming our natural nervousness, and building confidence and poise. This course is taught by our instructor, Mr. Juan, based in the United States, and whose students have placed well at major tournaments in the United States in speech events!
Class Times: Starts in December for 14 sessions over 8 weeks (including 2 holidays/make-up classes), Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:30-8pm IST.
Signup now for Fall 2023 as space is limited!
Keep mentally engaged this summer with our exciting intensive speech, debate, and drama courses. Each curriculum is personally structured by Mr. Kacholia for students to learn and advance their debating, critical thinking, and leadership development skills. No prior topic knowledge is expected in any of our courses. We will share supplementary reading materials with students in class.
Recent "live" topics are integrated into debate courses where applicable to apply learnings to real world problems. Debate classes begin with understanding key debate concepts and applying them in lively debates in class. Students, even those with no previous debate experience, will generally start practically researching and debating by the end of their very first week. Students research and apply creativity to select and prepare for individual debates. Courses go deep into each topic, typically covering 3 to 4 major debate topics, and sometimes more.
Speech and Drama courses involve learning key elements of research and speech writing and presentation skills, while applying these to specific pieces that students select to practice and perform in class. Our speech and drama courses empower students to select and prepare speeches in areas of personal interest while also collaborating and interacting with other students. Students practice and refine speeches by incorporating classes learnings and feedback to improve various aspects of their delivery, effectiveness, tone and gestures.
Speech, drama, and debate require commitment, an openness to different perspectives, and focus, as both introverts and extroverts can excel. Growth in these complex skills requires hard work and time, and parents can help support kids in their personal journeys. Parents should speak with their children about the importance of learning, growing, and adapting and de-emphasize winning or losing within class debates, particularly for those just starting. We look at the individual growth that students demonstrate and encourage students to take a long-term rather than short-term view.
Editors Club [CLOSED]
Editing is a critical aspect that differentiates great writing! How do you get the most out of the words you use? How do you enhance the impact of your writing and connecting with your intended audience, whether in class or externally? Grades 6 - 12. Semester long with 14 weeks in the Special Intensive Editors Club taught by Mr. Kacholia. Limited Space. The Editors Club is an intensive course focusing on lectures, reading carefully, editing approaches, and analysis of different styles and approaches to writing and editing. Students will have an opportunity to write multiple papers through the course, dive deep into different approaches to editing, learning editing strategies and how to improve writing, and the best pieces will be recognized and published on our site. Writers Club will meet Sunday afternoons. This new course is taught by Mr. Kacholia and students will work individually on their writing and editing, with opportunities to collaborate with other students. Students in this class should enjoy writing pieces, with an aim to refine their writing!
Grades 6-12 (MS/HS): Sundays 4pm-5pm IST.
Next opening: TBD [CLOSED]
Faculty: Mr. Kacholia
Format: Writing & Editing course
Best for: students seeking to advance their writing and editing skills!
ALL NEW 2 Week Intensive Summer Courses for Grades 2-12 (Monday - Friday). Each course is 2 weeks (10 sessions, 2 hours per session).
DEBATE Courses at 5pm-7pm IST, taught by Mr. Kacholia, whose students have won awards at prestigious debate tournaments in the United States! Read about Mr. Kacholia's vision, press articles, student testimonials, and US NSDA Debate Coaching Award Recognition
SPEECH & DRAMA Courses at 6:30pm-8:30pm IST, taught by Mr. Juan, whose students have placed at major tournaments in the United States in speech events!
All students enrolled in Summer courses will be invited to participate free of charge in Speech and Debate India's National Tournament in August 2023. Our National Tournament series is a thrilling learning experience that students enjoy and anticipate each year. It is a fabulous learning experience where we hold free seminar sessions on weekends for kids to explain the format and introduce the new global geo-political topics that require research, creativity and collaboration to excel. This year's National Tournament topic is going to be in a rapidly evolving current topic - topic release date coming soon! Students from over a dozen countries have participated with Speech and Debate India.
Signup now for Summer 2023 as space is limited!
July 4
DEBATE: UN Sustainable Development Goals Debates (Grades 2-5) - Learn and apply basic debate skills while studying the 17 United Nations SDGs that are critical for our children to understand as global citizens. Students will learn how to conduct basic research, organize and construct positions, and build simple debate cases for interactive debates in class to build skills in research, critical thinking and confidence! This course is taught by India and U.S. International Debate Champion Shivani Shrotri. Class Times: Starts July 4th for 7 weeks, Mondays & Fridays 4:30-6pm IST.
Courses for Grades 5-12:
May 18
SPEECH: Public Speaking - Learn critical public speaking skills, how to develop speech ideas, writing an original dynamic speech, and presenting with confidence! [SOLD OUT]
June 2
SPEECH: Impromptu Speech - Think and organize on the fly under time pressure to craft insightful responses and short speeches to convey your perspectives on everyday topics! [SOLD OUT]
June 20
DEBATE: Business Startup Challenge - Create, collaborate, develop, and debate your own startup business plan targeting either for profit or non-profit student ventures!
DRAMA: Intro to Drama - Train for dramatic speech by learning the key elements of writing and performing dramatic pieces and moving an audience through tone, words and gestures!
July 6
DEBATE: Modern Politics - Gain insights as you debate the political systems, leadership qualities, and processes that drive modern governments!
SPEECH/DRAMA: Humor & Drama - Learn techniques for adding humor to your speech and building a stronger connection with your audience as you create a dramatic act!
Signup now for Summer 2023 as space is limited!
Keep mentally engaged this summer with our exciting intensive speech, debate, and drama courses. Each curriculum is personally structured by Mr. Kacholia for students to learn and advance their debating, critical thinking, and leadership development skills. No prior topic knowledge is expected in any of our courses. We will share supplementary reading materials with students in class.
Recent "live" topics are integrated into debate courses to apply learnings to real world problems. Debate classes begin with understanding key debate concepts and applying them in lively debates in class. Students, even those with no previous debate experience, will generally start practically researching and debating by the end of their very first class. Students research and apply creativity to select and prepare for individual debates. Courses go deep into each topic, typically covering 3 to 4 major debate topics. For example, the Global Leadership 6.0 course is likely to examine global political leadership and debate leadership strategies in Ukraine-Russia, China-Taiwan, etc, while the Economic Challenges debate course may examine debates around the impact of budget deficits on nations, economic downturns, taxation, and pro-financial growth policies.
Speech and Drama courses involve learning key elements of research and speech writing and presentation skills, while applying these to specific pieces that students select to practice and perform in class. Our speech and drama courses empower students to select and prepare speeches in areas of personal interest while also collaborating and interacting with other students. Students practice and refine speeches by incorporating classes learnings and feedback to improve various aspects of their delivery, effectiveness, tone and gestures.
Speech, drama, and debate require commitment, an openness to different perspectives, and focus, as both introverts and extroverts can excel. Growth in these complex skills requires hard work and time, and parents can help support kids in their personal journeys.
Signup now for Summer 2023 as space is limited!

The Stanford University and Harvard University Debate Tournaments were held in February 2021 with typically the top 1-2% of Middle School and High School debaters in the United States, China and other countries competing in global events. 90% of our grade 6-11 Global Chronicles 2.0 course students were selected to compete in the Stanford and/or Harvard University Tournaments! Check back for updates on recent team awards, victories and speaker awards by our Global Debate Squad in 2021 and 2022 at major international tournaments in the United States
Update: The Global Chronicles 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 courses have launched and are now closed. Signup for The Global Chronicles 6.0 for either the beginner or advanced level or for other core courses in 2022 at the waitlist form.
Students based internationally and in India can apply now for selection to The Global Chronicles 6.0 tournament preparation course starting Saturdays January 2022 - May 2022 plus Special Tournament Prep Sessions**, open to new and current students in Grades 4-11 for the 2021-22 academic year. Learn international debate formats, collaborate with team members, research and develop unique cases on diverse globally relevant topics, and compete for spots at Global Events through Speech and Debate India, the exclusive India partner of the U.S. NSDA.
No prior experience needed. We're looking for academically sharp and curious kids - both introverts and extroverts can succeed in debate. Apply today. Limited Seats!
The Global Chronicles 6.0 is taught by our Founder, Mr. Rajiv Kacholia to train students for international debate competitions. Mr. Kacholia is an ex-State Champion Debater, and alumnus of Stanford University and Goldman Sachs. Read more about Mr. Kacholia's background and vision here and press articles here.
The Global Chronicles 6.0 dates and times will be announced soon.
Apply for this incredible experience today - The Global Chronicles 6.0

speech and debate india advances at stanford & harvard tournaments
Speech and Debate India students competed with some of the best teams in the world recently. Below is a brief highlight clip from the Harvard University Debate Tournament Award Ceremony where our Speech and Debate India team is recognized.
Waitlist for this incredible experience today - The Global Chronicles 6.0
Traditional education with teachers simply imparting knowledge is failing to holistically prepare kids.
U.S. Debate is research-backed, engaging students in a thrilling learning experience and proven to boost grades, critical thinking, and balanced leadership. Debate can pay back in productivity gains, making school easier, with debaters typically in the top 10% of their class.
U.S. Debate Aumni include Jeff Bezos (Amazon), Jack Dorsey (Twitter), Ted Turner (CNN), Oprah Winfrey; U.S. Presidents John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton.
"Confidence, eloquence, friendliness, and open-mindedness... truly essential for leaders." – Mr. Kacholia in Tribune India.
#1: US Coaching
Inspired by Founder - 2 time US State Debate Champion, Stanford University Alumnus
#2: unique approach
Modern Pedagogy - Review videos, parent & student testimonials, and FAQs
​#3: Grade level
Select Division - based on 2021-22 grade level for course options
#4: select courses
Select Courses - read descriptions, watch preview videos, and check schedule
#1: Live US Coaching
Inspired by our Founder – two time U.S. State Debate Champion and Stanford University alumnus, Rajiv Kacholia.
"Their points need to be evidence-based and backed by research... I wanted to give them a voice and the confidence to speak up, though respectfully, and express their opinion." – Mr. Kacholia in Indian Express.
#2: Unique approach
Uniquely thrilling and rigorous U.S. curriculum is taught by U.S. faculty based in Mumbai. This is not a traditional elocution class. Mr. Kacholia has developed a uniquely modern pedagogy to advance competitive debate and essential 21st century life skills by augmenting evidence-based debate formats.
"Research demonstrates that debaters advance in reading, writing, and life skills. We use exciting games and challenge our students to extend beyond their personal opinions and explore alternative perspectives through rigorous analysis and discussion. Children dive into topics, become self-motivated to read and process information faster, while aspiring to formulate creative ideas supported by evidence-based reasoning." – Mr. Kacholia in Education World.
#3: Grade level determines division and course time
No prior debate experience or content knowledge is required. Our pedagogy integrates new kids quickly - they will start participating in discussions and debating in their first week!
Based on your child's grade level, we will assign them to the appropriate class time for their age group. Available times are on the Application Form. Our divisions include:​​
Grades 3-5: ES (Elementary School)
Grade 6-8: MS (Middle School)
Grades 9-12: HS (High School)
previous courses - each covers new debate topics
NEW: Younger students can enroll now in the following twice weekly special science and ecology debate course:
Grade 3-5, The Race to Extinction - June 21 - July 21, Mon-Wed 3pm-5pm. (SOLD OUT)
Grade 6-8, The Race to Extinction - June 22 - July 22, Tue-Thu 4pm-6pm. (SOLD OUT)
Habitat loss and extinction are perhaps the greatest threat to biodiversity. This course delves into the causes and effects, along with potential solutions to the problem. We will debate and then recognize the importance of each creature in our ecosystem.
NEW: MS/HS students (grade 6-11) can enroll now in the following courses taught live online, exclusively by Speech and Debate India's Founder, Mr. Rajiv Kacholia. Mr. Kacholia is an ex-State Champion Debater two years in a row in the United States, winning numerous 1st and 2nd place speaker and team awards, an alumnus of Stanford University and Goldman Sachs, former Board President of the American School of Bombay (ASB), has worked for two United States Senators and served as an Advisor to the New York City Economic Development Council post the Great Recession of 2008 when Michael Bloomberg was Mayor. Read more about Mr. Kacholia's background and vision here and press articles here.
NEW Intensive Summer Debate Courses:
Global Leadership 4.0 - April 21 - May 10, Mon-Wed-Fri 4pm-6pm. Signup! (SOLD OUT)
Reimagining Western Intervention - May 10 - May 21, Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri 6pm-8pm. Signup! (SOLD OUT)
Economic Crises - May 31 - June 11, Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri 6pm-8pm. Signup! (SOLD OUT)
Philosophical Conundrums - June 21- July 2, Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu-Fri 6pm-8pm. Signup! (SOLD OUT)
Keep mentally engaged this summer with our exciting intensive debate courses. Each curriculum is personally structured by Mr. Kacholia for students to learn and advance their debating, critical thinking, and leadership development skills. Debate requires commitment, an openness to different perspectives, and focus, as both introverts and extroverts can excel.
Global Leadership 4.0
A new version of our popular leadership development course, this time with a focus on learning about and debating the political process! Dive deeper by debating elections, political party systems, coalition building, political decision making, and domestic policies in this global political course! Signup!
Reimagining Western Intervention
Special Tournament Prep Course for the Spring Tournament / Nationals. Western nations have long held an active global role through imperialism and modern political alliances and economic strategies. This special course examines the pros and cons of Western Interventionist policies and strategies, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. This course will examine war and political interventions in trade and economics, human rights, terrorism, and nuclear threats to help prepare for the Spring / National Tournament series! Signup!
Economic Crises
Economic cycles, crises, and policy responses are a recurring direct and indirect theme in global debate topics. This course debates critical economic issues through the lens of periods of global and regional crises along with governmental and financial market responses! Signup!
Philosophical Conundrums
We'll join the ranks of philosophers who have long debated questions of human nature, existence and aim, while attempting to solve some unsolvable conundrums! This course will challenge you to think deeply and broaden your perspectives on matters of life, ethics, and human behavior! Signup!
Other options/requests for ES, MS, HS, and College/Adult students? Send us your requests and waitlist for upcoming courses!
Meets: Saturdays Aug 14 - Dec 11
Grades 5-11. various times IST 1pm, 2:30pm, 5pm, 6:30pm**. 2021-22 Year
The Global Chronicles 4.0
NEW! Special Tournament Prep Semester Course. Prep for elite global tournament selections!! Beginners welcome. Signup!

Q1/2: Aug 14th - Dec 11th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Tue & Thu, Mar 23 - May 8
Grades 2-11. 5-6:30 (ES), 6:30-8 (MS/HS), All times pm, IST
Business & Sports 2.0
New version of this fun, relatable course learning business management and leadership through sports! Closed

Q4: Mar 23rd - May 8th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Friday, Jan 11 - May 8
Grades 5-12. 6:30-8 (ES/MS/HS), All times pm, IST
Fun, Creative Debates
This once a week fun debate course will examine wacky and creative topics by student demand! Closed

Q3/4: Jan 11th - May 8th
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Jan 11 - Mar 6
Grades 5-12. 6:30-8 (ES/MS/HS). All times pm, IST
Me, My Brain, and I 2.0
New version of our popular course on cognitive science & psychology, this time debating success and happiness! Closed

Q3: Jan 11th - Mar 6th
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Saturday, Jan 2 - May 8
Grades 5-12. 1-3 (ES/JMS), 3-5 (MS/HS), All times pm, IST
The Global Chronicles 2.0
Special Tournament Prep Semester Course. Q4 prepare for Regionals, Nationals, and Global tournament selections!! Closed

Q3/4: Jan 2nd - May 8th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Tue & Thu, Oct 13 - Dec 5
Grades 1-12. 3-4:30 (YE/JES) 5-6:30 (ES/JMS), 6:30-8 (MS/HS), 8-9:30 (MS/HS)
Federer, FCB & Fortnite
Greatest athletes across sports, sports team management, board games, & video gaming industry! Preview above. Closed

Q2: October 13th - Dec 5th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Fri & Sat, Oct 16 - Dec 5
Grades 8-12 only* 6:30-8 (MS/HS).
College Admission Debates
Extracurriculars, Internships/Passion Projects/Summer Programs, Interviewing, College Selection and Essays! Closed

Q2: October 16th - Dec 5th
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Aug 17 - Oct 3
Grades 4-12. ES, JMS, MS, HS
Mumbai + Miami = Atlantis
Climate change causes, risks, key players, alternative technologies, and future impacts! Closed

Q1: August 17th - October 3rd
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Fri & Sat, Aug 21 - Oct 3
Grades 4-12. ES, JMS, MS, HS
Behind the Scenes
Critical analysis of film & TV genres, actors/actresses, scripts, budget & producers! Closed

Q1: August 21st - October 3rd
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Mar 22 - May 8
Grades 5-11. 6:30-8 (MS/HS). All times pm, IST. 2020-21 Academic Year
Global Leadership 3.0
A new version of our popular leadership development course, this time with a focus on reimagining government! Closed

Q4: Mar 22nd - May 8th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Tue & Thu, Jan 11 - Mar 6
Grades 1-12. 5-6:30 (ES/JMS), 6:30-8 (MS/HS)
Courtrooms 2.0
New, exciting courtroom mock trial debates as requested by students, utilizing a highly collaborative format! Closed

Q3: Jan 11th - Mar 6th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Saturday, Jan 2 - May 8
Grades 5-12. 1-3 (ES/JMS), 3-5 (MS/HS), All times pm, IST
The Global Chronicles 2.0
Special Tournament Prep Semester Course. Q3 prepare for Harvard/Stanford University tournament selections!! Closed

Q3/4: Jan 2nd - May 8th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Friday, Jan 11 - May 8
Grades 5-12. 5-6:30 (ES/JMS), 6:30-8 (MS/HS)
Arts & Technology
Inside our passion for music, architecture, art and visual design technology, as we debate these creative fields! Closed

Q3/4: Jan 11th - May 8th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Oct 12 - Dec 5
Grades 4-12. 5-6:30 (ES/JMS), 6:30-8 (MS), 8-9:30 (MS/HS)
Innovation & Impact
Inside Stanford University's innovative design thinking, epic inventions with global impact, discoveries & visionaries! Closed

Q2: October 12th - Dec 5th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Tue & Thu, Oct 13 - Dec 5
Grades 5-12. 6:30-8 (MS/HS). All times pm, IST
My Robotic Sibling
Examining innovations in AI, ethics, the possible impacts of tech near- and longer-term for us all! Preview above. Closed

Q2: October 13th - Dec 5th
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Sat, Aug 17 - Dec 5
Grades 4-12. ES, JMS, MS, HS
The Global Chronicles
Special Tournament Prep Semester Course. The latter part of the course will focus on Regional Tournament A prep! Closed

Q1 & Q2: **Aug 17th - Dec 5th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Tue & Thu, Aug 18 - Oct 3
Grades 1-12. YE, JES, ES, JMS, MS, HS
Global Leadership 2.0
A new version of our popular course on leaders, leadership styles, decisions made, & role play debates! Closed

Q1: August 18th - October 3rd
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Fri & Sat, Aug 21 - Oct 3
Grades 8-12 only*
Where: Know Your Options
Get the inside scoop on types of colleges, location choices, & finding the best fit. Course 1 of 4 to be College-Ready! Closed

Q1: August 21st - October 3rd
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Mar 15 - May 8
Grades 6-11. 6:30-8 (ES/MS/HS). All times pm, IST. 2020-21 Academic Year
Ethics & Human Rights
Debates on human rights, ethics, and the psychology & sociology of what's right and what's wrong? Closed

Q4: Mar 15th - May 8th
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Friday, Jan 11 - May 8
Grades 5-12. 5-6:30 (ES/JMS), 6:30-8 (MS/HS)
Arts & Technology
Inside our love for music, art, architecture, and visual design technology, dive deep as we debate these creative fields! Closed

Q3/4: Jan 11th - May 8th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Jan 11 - Mar 6
Grades 1-12. 5-6:30 (JES/ES/JMS), 6:30-8 (MS/HS)
Examining and debating key revolutions including modern movements like Me Too and Black Lives Matter! Closed

Q3: Jan 11th - Mar 6th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Friday, Jan 11 - May 8
Grades 5-12. 6:30-8 (ES/MS/HS), All times pm, IST
Fun, Creative Debates
This once a week fun debate course will examine relatable and creative topics by student demand! Closed

Q3/4: Jan 11th - May 8th
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Oct 12 - Dec 5
Grades 5-12. 6:30-8 (MS/HS). All times pm, IST
Bus & Entrepreneurship 2.0
New version of our popular summer course on business plans, entrepreneurs, & forming your own start-up! Preview above. Closed

Q2: October 12th - Dec 5th
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Fri & Sat, Oct 16 - Dec 5
Grades 4-12. 5-6:30 (ES/JMS), 6:30-8 (MS/HS)
Netflix vs AMZN vs Hotstar
Business & marketing through the lens of media, content acquisition, positioning, & the future of news! Preview above. Closed

Q2: October 16th - Dec 5th
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Mon & Wed, Aug 17 - Oct 3
Grades 4-12. ES, JMS, MS, HS
Mysteries and Courtrooms
Unsolved mysteries, all-time famous courtroom cases, and unique mock trial debate structures! Closed

Q1: August 17th - October 3rd
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Meets: Every Tue & Thu, Aug 18 - Oct 3
Grades 4-12. ES, JMS, MS, HS
Me, My Brain, and I
Cognitive psychology debates: explore our memory, the idea of intelligence, ability & cognition! Closed

Q1: August 18th - October 3rd
Faculty: Ms. Ritika Kacholia
Meets: Every Sat, Aug 17 - Dec 5
Grades 4-12. ES, JMS, MS, HS
The Global Chronicles
Special Tournament Prep Semester Course. The latter part of the course will focus on Regional Tournament A prep! Closed

Q1 & Q2: **Aug 22 - Dec 5
Faculty: Mr. Rajiv Kacholia
Join Speech and Debate India's high energy, live online classes, practices, and small group competitive team debates! We limit debates to small groups and every child has a speaking role within debates to express their evidenced-based views. We have limited seats and this is a competitive activity - please review the FAQs further below and sign-up to engage your child socially and intellectually.
NO PRIOR DEBATE EXPERIENCE NEEDED FOR OUR COURSES. We are able to integrate new students into our courses quickly and gradually build their comfort level and competitiveness. Students should participate with an open mind and respect alternative perspectives. We will be interviewing new students applying for enrollment in The Global Chronicles 3.0.
2020-21 Academic Year
Quarter 1 Core Courses - August 17th to October 3rd, 2020
Quarter 2 Core Courses - October 12th to December 5th, 2020
Global Chronicles 1.0 - August 22nd to December 5th, 2020
Quarter 3 Core Courses - January 11th to March 6th, 2021
Quarter 4 Core Courses - March 15th to May 8th, 2021
Global Chronicles 2.0 - January 2nd to May 8th, 2021
Global Chronicles 3.0 - March 20th to August 7th, 2021
Quarter 5 Intensive Summer Courses - April 21st - July 22nd, 2021
2021-22 Academic Year
Quarter 1 Core Courses - August 16th to October 9th, 2021
Quarter 2 Core Courses - October 18th to December 12th
Global Chronicles 4.0 - August 14th to December 12th
Research & Writing Scholars - August 16th to December 12th
Core Courses:
Core Courses meet once or twice a week for a total of 20 hours of live sessions over the course.
Class dates and times are subject to modifications per Mr. Kacholia's schedule and availability. We have reserved the week after each quarter for make-up days. One week in September for Q1 and tentatively one week in November for Q2 are reserved as a Mid-Quarter week off with no classes scheduled during those weeks. Breaks for Core Courses and Global Chronicles to be announced per Mr. Kacholia's schedule and tournament schedule closer to the dates.
General Class Time (IST) Options By Division (See above for individual course times and check the application form for specific options available)
Core courses are priced at Rs. 14,900+GST.
**The Global Chronicles:
Global Chronicles meets Saturdays and is approximately a two quarter long course for tournament prep for grade 5-12 students.
General Schedule​ - 16 sessions
All times unless otherwise indicated are India Standard Times (IST). We have a number of students who join from other time zones around the world such as in Singapore, Dubai, UK/Europe, EST, PST etc. Please convert times to your time zone if outside India.
We may host special/extra training sessions prior to events/tournaments and these are scheduled based on event dates.
This is an intensive course and students are expected to spend time outside sessions to research, collaborate with partners, and prepare for debates.
The Global Chronicles tournament prep course is Rs. 34,900+GST.
NEW: International Honor Society Membership is an annual fee paid once a year of Rs. 4,900+GST to cover the current academic year international honor society membership through July 2021. This is mandatory for all Global Chronicles students and eligibility for any international tournaments. It will need to be renewed each new US school year (August 2021 for the 2021-22 academic year) to continue to accumulate honor society points and earn privileges.
Enrollment in The Global Chronicles gains eligibility for selection to international tournaments. Selection will be based on merit and performance within the course, other enrolled courses and our tournaments. Coach decisions are final. Students are responsible for finding partners and collaborating effectively with partners.
Note that international tournament fees and any other tournaments not organized or hosted directly by Speech and Debate India will be at an additional charge based on the tournament participation and judging fees. These will be charged separately and tentatively indicated at the time of conditional selection to a given international tournament. While most tournaments are online, in the event of any travel, all such expenses are the responsibility of the student's family.
16 Sessions for Global Chronicles with Breaks to be announced per Mr. Kacholia's schedule and tournament schedule. This is an intensive course and students are expected to work independently and collaborate with partners for course and tournament preparation. We often hold free, extra prep sessions or sometimes need to shift course times based on international tournament schedules to help teams prepare for major events.
Check further FAQs below, Terms and Conditions on the website, and contact us to setup a time to speak by sending a WhatsApp message on +91-9819979293 or click here to connect directly!
the road to nationals 2022
We will continue to provide updates on Nationals for the 2021-22 Academic Year. Here are important notes:
Point Based Qualification Into Nationals:
Students will qualify based on cumulative points earned between August 2021 and May 2022.
Points will be earned for active participation in each course, with extra points in The Global Chronicles, and the highest number of points awarded for team and individual performances
international HOnor society membership
Since 1925, Honor Society members have reflected the highest standards of integrity, humility, respect, leadership, and service. Students who join can earn points for competition and community service. The more points accumulated, the higher the designation awarded at the time of High School graduation. Honor Society members may also become eligible for special awards and can wear an honor cord at graduation. Annual membership is valid through August 1, 2022 for Rs. 4,900 + GST.
Earning Points and Degrees of Designation levels reflects your individual growth and achievement as well as your commitment to the speech and debate community. Being a member can also help with college admissions. "College admissions representatives recognize our honor society as an impressive achievement on student applications." - NSDA.
We will hold an induction ceremony for all students who signup for Honor Society Membership. This is required for international tournaments. Degree designations students can graduate with are below:

PREVIOUS COURSES frequently asked questions
Are programs live? Yes, lectures are live online, with real-time Q&A & interactive small group debates.
What is the time commitment? 20 Hours of live sessions over each Quarter's course. All Core Courses meet twice a week for 1.5 hours each session. Note, that The Global Chronicles Tournament Series Prep Course meets on Saturdays over more than twice as long a time period.
What is the typical student profile? Our students are generally based in major metropolitan cities in India and internationally in the U.S., Europe and Middle East. One common thread is that our students are passionate, attend top schools and are gifted or advanced for their grade level.
Is there homework? Many students will spend extra time ahead of debates to read and prepare. While this is optional, debate is competitive and helps stimulate self-interest in research and critical thinking. Our goal is to significantly deepen their understanding in each program track and build critical thinking and creativity skills, while gaining perspectives and self-motivated learning in each subject area.
How do you provide feedback? Students have opportunities during classes to receive assistance, feedback, and ask questions. We track student performance during classes as well as in tournaments and share results directly with students.
Is prior experience needed? Your child will start debating in the first week - no prior experience needed.
How do you encourage interaction? We leverage technology to promote participation in each live session. We encourage students both through written and verbal shares to communicate their ideas and questions either broadly or privately during lectures that can be responded to live. In breakout rooms, students get to work in smaller teams of 2 to 4 students to prepare for debates, where we check in to see if they have questions or need help preparing. Each child has a speaking role within structured debates and cross examination, and we moderate debates to coach and encourage collaboration among team members and sharing of responsibilities during cross-examination while helping to prepare their fellow team members.
How does the new Quarterly system work? We will be systematically tracking students in each course and those who participate in The Global Chronicles. Participation and performance in courses each quarter (Q1-Q4), in The Global Chronicles, and in Tournaments will be factored for National Tournament 2022 eligibility. Students can select the courses they are excited by. Each course uses a different content area with our unique pedagogy to teach and advance student debate skills while they deepen their knowledge of content areas.
What does each topic cover? Each curriculum and debate topic is curated by our U.S. instructors and takes a deep dive into issues of global importance and leadership. Kids are introduced to extemporaneous speech, research, critical analysis, and debate skills while gaining insights into influences and impacts on government, business, leadership, economics, science, and the world around us. Watch videos of each of our new courses.
Can I sign-up for multiple courses? Yes, we've designed the new Debate Academy on a flexible quarterly basis to help students advance their skills and confidence. Students are provided several content options they find engaging on distinct topics with global relevance. Many students have previously enrolled in all our courses. Students can generally choose from two exciting options each day. Core Courses meet Monday/Wednesday, Tuesday/Thursday, and Friday. Students gain critical thinking, creativity, communication, and leadership skills, while raising familiarity with important 21st century issues and leadership decisions. Topics are adapted for age groups. Each division will be challenged to read at a higher grade level. Select the topics and times that work best for your child and schedule.
What device/materials do I need? Laptop/tablet, internet connection for streaming video, notebook
Which ages can join? Students from grades 1 to 12 in school year 2020-21 can join while space is available. Students in younger grades can join a waitlist for our next Young Explorers courses which meets for an hour daily over 20 days each month.
My child is shy, nervous, stammers - can they still enroll? A majority of our students are shy. Fear of public speaking is common in adults and kids. Shy kids can gradually gain confidence in a controlled environment and advance to become successful leaders. This takes time. We encourage shy kids with a safe small group environment to express their views from the comfort of their home. Debate does not require any memorization - we remove such obstacles, encouraging deeper thinking and the use of notes to gradually build confidence.
How is your approach different? Our courses are taught exclusively by instructors from Stanford University. Mr. Kacholia has developed a unique pedagogy to teach students important content through debate, while advancing their debate and life skills with a highly rigorous and evidence-based format of debate. We are also the official, exclusive partners of the world's largest organization in this field, the U.S. NSDA. We take a real-world approach, using games and challenges to engage in practice each session, while gradually imparting theory and encouraging self-reflection and engaging discussions to articulate evidence-based reasoning. We dive deep into each topic area, evaluating evidence from multiple perspectives. We challenge kids to move beyond their personal opinions to develop an appreciation for alternative viewpoints based on evidence. U.S. NSDA debate has been proven over 95+ years to foster balanced leadership and no other academic activity has the extent of research supporting the academic, college, and life benefits. Our approach is very different than traditional courses on public speaking and elocution. This is not an elocution class. We don't memorize speeches. Our format of debate is designed to extend gifted children.
How do I register and pay? Sign-up here. You'll automatically receive electronic payment instructions to your registered email. Once your payment has been received, you'll receive enrollment confirmation.